College Admissions Counselling, Essay Prep, Academic Coaching Services

Which U.S. College Could Be Right For You?

The Survey

Which U.S. College Could Be The Best Choice For You?

This is just for fun! Not a test. You’re welcome to fill out the form below, and I’ll gently recommend some colleges you may be interested in based on cultural or personal fit. There is no obligation for services after completing the survey.

Have fun and I look forward to suggesting some cool colleges!

Princeton ~

Columbia ~

Harvard ~


Yale ~

Stanford ~

UChicago ~

UPenn ~

Caltech ~

Johns Hopkins ~

Northwestern ~

Dartmouth ~

Brown ~

Duke ~

Vanderbilt ~

Washington ~

Cornell ~

Rice ~

Notre Dame ~

Emory ~


UC Berkeley ~

Georgetown ~

Michigan ~

Carnegie Mellon ~




Tufts ~


Florida ~

UNC Chapel Hill ~

Wake Forest ~


Rochester ~

Boston ~

UC Irvine ~

Princeton ~ Columbia ~ Harvard ~ MIT ~ Yale ~ Stanford ~ UChicago ~ UPenn ~ Caltech ~ Johns Hopkins ~ Northwestern ~ Dartmouth ~ Brown ~ Duke ~ Vanderbilt ~ Washington ~ Cornell ~ Rice ~ Notre Dame ~ Emory ~ UCLA ~ UC Berkeley ~ Georgetown ~ Michigan ~ Carnegie Mellon ~ UVA ~ USC ~ NYU ~ Tufts ~ UCSB ~ Florida ~ UNC Chapel Hill ~ Wake Forest ~ UCSD ~ Rochester ~ Boston ~ UC Irvine ~

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Everyone knows what the “best” and “top-ranked” colleges are, but how do you know whether those colleges are the best for YOU? There are thousands of four-year colleges in the U.S. Do you really trust US News & World Report to choose where you’re going to spend the next four years and tens of thousands of dollars? I am dedicated to helping you find the college that best fits you: academically, socially, financially, and culturally. “The Survey” is a tongue-in-cheek way of helping you to start your admissions journey with a couple of out-of-the-box suggestions. If you want to pursue the conversation further, contact me and we’ll discuss the possibility of working together.