College Admissions Counselling, Essay Prep, Academic Coaching Services

College Admissions Blog

The Latest College Admissions News and Advice

Juniors (& Parents of Juniors) - You’re Up!

Now it’s your turn…

You’ve slogged through school for ten and a half years; you’ve seen friends and siblings head off to college; you’ve taken SATs, ACTs, and APs. Now it’s YOUR turn. Now is the time to start in earnest if you haven’t already. Start now, and you will be able to find the colleges that are a perfect fit for you and create an application that will give you your greatest chance of acceptance. The admissions process is complicated and intimidating. Here’s a quick survey of the playing field as it currently stands.

What is it like to apply to U.S. colleges in 2022?

Most colleges are still test-optional, meaning you can choose whether or not to submit standardized test scores with your application. This may be the knockout punch to the SAT and ACT, which are already being considered less frequently. University of California schools are “test-blind,” meaning they won’t consider test scores even if you send them. On the other hand, some schools that went test-optional at the beginning of COVID have reinstated a test requirement (the University of Georgia system, for example). You should plan to take the tests. An ambitious student will take both the SAT and ACT junior year, and then concentrate on improving the one with the highest relative score. It’s great if you can earn a high score, but you may have the luxury of deciding which scores, if any, to send to which colleges. 

I have partnered with ArborBridge, an elite test-prep company, and all my clients receive a discount if they sign up for an ArborBridge one-on-one tutoring package.

Another year (mostly) without campus visits. Campuses that were closed to visitors a year ago are slowly beginning to open back up. Campus tours are still inconsistently scheduled, though, and you might or might not get a full-blown guided experience. It’s a difficult time, for all kinds of reasons, and while there are alternatives (the “virtual tour”), the situation calls for extra patience and strategy.

Acceptance rates are down, applications are up. The pandemic has been wildly unpredictable. Ivy League schools experienced an average 50% increase in applications from 2020 to 2021. This jump wasn’t limited to the most elite colleges either. Auburn University has experienced a leap of 155% in applications over the past two years. On the other hand, some smaller, lesser-known schools have had a drop in applications to the point that they are offering better scholarships than ever. 

“The pandemic has been wildly unpredictable…

…Ivy League schools experienced an Average 50% Increase in Applications from 2020 to 2021.”

So how should you respond to this uncertainty? Apply to more schools than you had originally planned (maybe twelve instead of eight, or even twenty!) and visit schools only after you’re accepted. The admissions landscape is certainly changing, but more likely than not, in the direction of increased saturation and competition for spots. We don’t know when or whether things will return to “normal” so if you can respond to uncertainty with flexibility, you’ll be in a better place no matter the outcome.

You’re at an advantage if you work with a college admissions coach. I can help clarify what you want in a school, suggest and discuss colleges to build your list, guide you through the applications, help you brainstorm, compose, and edit your essays, and have you ready to hit “send” on your applications by October. If you’re a junior and feel overwhelmed, let me jump start your college admissions journey and keep you on track through the fall.

My coaching clients have access to GuidedPath, a portal that gives you access to all the information about all the schools you might be interested in, including full access to the Fiske College Guide write-ups on each school, their average test scores, GPAs, acceptance rates, and all their essay prompts. It also acts as a repository for your test scores and a reminder service for all your deadlines, and it gives us a shared space for the drafts of all your admissions essays.

Why work with an Admissions Coach?

✔️ The admissions landscape changes daily.

✔️ I offer one-on-one continuous attention and guidance; I only take twenty-five students per year. There are no other consultants in this firm.

✔️ Learn how to set yourself apart.

✔️ Reduce stress for your family and stay on top of deadlines.

✔️ Find and apply only to schools that truly make sense for you.

✔️ Take the logistical pressure off - you may even enjoy the process!

✔️ Craft an unforgettable essay that reflects your uniqueness with a former English professor and PhD.

✔️ Every single application component handled strategically.

✔️ Ace your college interviews.

✔️ Insider advice on student-athlete or arts/music based recruitment.

✔️ Insider perspective on the application process.

✔️ Exclusive online portal & access-restricted college selection resources.

✔️ Multi-year support and advice on academic and extracurricular development.

✔️ Support in managing application materials, study schedules and deadlines.

✔️ Identify unique extracurricular, scholarship or education-related opportunities.

✔️ The peace of mind that comes from having a project manager for a massively high stakes decision.

✔️ A mentor and partner in accountability, to keep you feeling motivated and challenged in your pursuit of top schools.

✔️ Never wonder if you “could have done better” or if some aspect was “off” in your application.

✔️ Assess and advise on college offers.

College is expensive.
This is the biggest financial decision you’ll make until you buy a house.
Be smart and get the right guidance.